Chocolate Truffle Heart Cake for Two$16.95eachVA dense chocolate heart cake encased in a sensual dark chocolate glaze. Let us inscribe it with a personal message (we promise it will be confidential...). Please call to add personal message.
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries$3.25eachGFVThese are best eaten in front of a good fire with champagne and fine cognac. "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful." - Mae West
Valentine Butter Cookies$26.50lb.VAn assortment of fanciful, exquisite, buttery, delights. "There is no love sincerer than the love of food." George Bernard Shaw
Personalized Valentine Butter Cookie$7.95eachA Valentine butter cookie heart. Let us inscribe it with a personal message (we promise it will be confidential). Please call to add personal message.
Coffee Ground to Order & Assorted Teas
If you have a food allergy, please speak to our manager or chef.
Please call Susan Lawrence at 914-238-8833 to place your order with a retail associate.